Sunday, May 1, 2011

Home from Vacation with a Mountain of Laundry

Sunday afternoon and I'm paying bills and any other task I can think of to avoid the mountain of laundry.
We were away 10 days so there is a considerable amount.
Fiona the 9 year old meezer was isolated from the three younger ones while were away. The three younger ones, Merlin, Claire and Lily can be little hooligans and harass Fiona. Today Fiona is talking to them while sitting under the bed. Apparently it is a hate-love-hate thing.
 I'm on the second half of the Round the Bend jacket and eyeballing the ball of yarn nervously. I don't know if there is more left in stash or not. After the long winter of knitting the wedding sweaters I'm so ready for a fun project like a shrug form fashion yarns or a lacy shawl.
I will persevere on the Round the Bend jacket though and hopefully there is enough yarn.